
The MortalMan Triathlon challenge!

UPDATE: The Mortal Man Tri Challenge has a new home!

Here's the concept: complete an iron distance triathlon over the course of a month (August). Some places host this and call it "LazyMan"... in our version of the universe, there is nothing lazy about getting off the couch and swimming, biking, and running 140.6 miles. So, we're going to call our version the MortalMan.

Some disclaimers: we are not professionals, this is not sanctioned, you accept all risk and responsibility for participating. By sending us a note/comment saying, "I want to play!" -- you are saying that you have made the decision that you are capable of being physically active and that you realize that while funky trinkets are cool and motivational, they are not an excuse to do damage to your body (specific parts or in general).

With that out of the way...send us a note or post a comment saying, "I want to play!" and you're in. We'll send you a link to the tracking spreadsheet which also has some rules (we'll get them up here as well) and the instructions for how to update the tracker.

The distances average out to less than 150 yards of swimming, about 3.6 miles of biking, and 0.85 miles of running per day since August has 31 days! Of course, we encourage you to structure your workouts so that you have rest days.

There will be weekly bonus challenges as well. They are unrelated to completing your distances (we won't add more miles to the challenge).

We're working on a graphic and some t-shirts. Stay tuned for more info! The challenge starts 01 August and ends 31 August. If you drag your feet and don't send the email until 10 August...the challenge still ends 31 August and totals the same distances!

1 comment:

  1. This is Helen, aka Mom and Former Couch Potato
    I want to play! :>))))
