Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Broccoli Man speaks!

Woo hoo! A new video! This one has Broccoli Man chatting with a friend about training and sharks (and dressing like a seal).


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

It's coming!!!

The script is close to finished and we're close on actors and set. There will be a movie out soon...honest.

One of the holiday projects was to lay bamboo flooring (hardgrass flooring?) and we had been avoiding the stairs. We tackled them this weekend and got pretty thoroughly whupped. On the plus side, they look great and despite the number of miter cuts, we still have all appropriate digits. On the down side -- the first two took 7 hours and the second 3 took 6 hours - we definitely should have paid better attention in geometry class. Eight more steps to go...but that'll have to wait for another weekend. We're out of the "thinking" steps with exposed sides and now just have to contend with out-of-square normal stairs. So, we've got that going for us, which is nice.

ps-hooray for snow delays!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

A new video!

Episode 2 has Red Panda out of superhero/zero garb and discussing the upcoming IM with a friend.

ps-we created a YouTube channel with the same name Tri4MereMortals where you can also find the chaos.

pps-we added a page to the blog for you to find our weekly mojo-posters.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Welcome to the Chaos!

Greetings, fellow mere mortals. We figured that since some of you find our antics amusings...we should share in a more, uh, 21st century medium than the usual smoke signals from the bbq pit. Et voile...the novel idea of a blog struck.

This will evolve over time. For now, we're glad you're here checking out the new creation.

For now, some humor to get you started: check out the first installment of our insanity.