Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Thor's Thursday - Mojo

As in where did it go? Did it get lost as a result of too much work and too little play (training)? Did I exceed the lifetime allowance of mojo? Is it waiting under the surface ready to be re-awakened? Is it just waiting for a warm spring-ish day rather than the cold, windy, snowy ones? (and yes, the lack of an "or" was certainly intentional...)

Yeah, who knows. Been rough slugging through the last couple weeks of training, but luckily, we're signed up for some serious events this summer, so mojo or not - the training must continue. Getting on the trainer, or on the treadmill, or in the pool, or out the door is much easier when there's a bit of mojo flowing. 

But the important thing is to get the workout started. Convincing yourself that "you've got 5 minutes in you" can often get you through whatever you've got planned. Sometimes it's just the act of lacing up the shoes or some other equivalent that can make all the difference. You get dressed, you get out the door, and before you know it, the "just five minutes" turns into your workout. Other times, your body will say, thanks for the "5," but I'd like you to reconsider. And that's when you need to take stock - is your brain revolting because of a pain, an ache, a "something" missing, or is your brain just craving some couch time. If it's one of the former, be smart. If it's the latter, you have to decide - will your goal win the mojo battle or will the couch. 

Whether you think you can or think you can't - you're probably right. So, find your mojo. There's no shame in having a mojo-less workout. But the least likely place to find it is on the couch.

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