Saturday, June 25, 2011

Episode 8 - The Zombie Hoard

Yeah, it's been a while. We're trying to get back on track with the funny movies. Hope this one scratches that itch...we had fun making it.

And yes, rule #1 is cardio!

As always, these are available through the blog, on out YouTube channel (tri4meremortals) as well as through XtraNormal, the site we use to make 'em.

Have fun watching...and then get out there and do some cardio. And if you are confused about the CDC references...check this out: CDC Zombie Preparedness Awesome work and some great emergency preparedness information!

Saturday, June 4, 2011


We are now closer to our potential undoing than we are distant from when we embarked.

In pseudo-English...five months until IM Florida...six months since we signed up. I'm not sure what that means, but I am pretty sure that it does not bode well.

I have a feeling that this 11 month journey will not be like climbing a mountain...lots of work for the first half, magnificent scenery for a bit, than trying to hold yourself together on the descending return. (Of course, the mountain may be the event...or it could have been deciding to sign up - and since time is flying by, I should probably be paying more attention to holding things together.) We should probably be farther along in our training, but we are progressing. And since we now have less than half our timeframe remaining...time to get back to bidness.

Oh yeah, there's a video coming soon. Honest. I'd try to blame it on too much training time, but if you'd looked at our logs...only one of us can even come close to claiming that...and it ain't the one typing this.